How To Board Up A Window

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When it comes to vandalism, it’s easy to take it personally. After all, someone has intentionally damaged your home, workplace or site without a second thought. We know how unsettling this can be, which is why it’s important to know how to board up windows to regain control and peace of mind. Ensuring the safety of your property and those entering it is paramount, so whilst your mind may be focused elsewhere, it’s still important to follow the necessary steps to support your claim. In our blog, we explain what to do if your windows have been smashed by vandalism and how do you board up windows.

What Should I Do If My Window Was Smashed by Vandalism?

If your window has been smashed due to vandalism, there are a few steps you should follow.

  1. The first step is to ensure no one is injured. Self-assess the damage caused and how it may have occurred.
  2. Next, take photos of the smashed window and surrounding area to use as evidence for the police and your insurance company. It’s important to make sure these photographs are clear and captured during the daylight.
  3. You can then contact the police to file a report, providing them with all the details of the incident and the photographs you took as evidence.
  4. If you can, secure the area yourself by boarding up windows to ensure the safety of the area. Plywood and plastic sheeting are just two materials you can use to do this, not only securing the area but ensuring it’s as watertight as possible, too.
  5. Then, arrange for a professional to repair, replace the window or provide double glazing replacement glass. At Montrose Glass, we provide a 24/7 callout service to provide support in times or worry and need.
  6. Depending on the extent of the damage, your insurance may cover the cost of these repairs. Be sure to follow the guidance provided to ensure your claim can be completed successfully.
  7. Lastly, consider the installation of further preventive measures such as security cameras or lighting that may deter vandals from re-entering the area and conducting a similar crime in the future.

Protecting Yourself & Cleaning the Area

Broken windows can cause a lot of disruption not least to you, but everyone involved. It doesn’t matter whether you’re boarding up windows for a business or your home, it can be a stressful experience. Not only do you need to report it but deal with your insurance and prepare for any unexpected costs as a result of any other damage that isn’t obvious to the eye.

Most importantly, it’s crucial to protect yourself and secure the area as soon as possible to prevent any potential theft. It can also be beneficial to check for any further damage that may have occurred during the vandalism to ensure all the necessary repairs are undertaken properly.

It’s also critical to wear the necessary protective equipment before starting the cleaning process to avoid cuts and injuries from sharp glass edges and other debris that has potentially occurred during the action. Ensuring glass is disposed of correctly is just as important, such as at a recycling centre, to ensure no one handling the glass after you is hurt.

Make Temporary Window Repairs

Temporary window repairs such as boarding up windows is a quick way to secure the area that has been targeted, ensuring the safety of the business or home. But how do you board up windows? Before arranging for expert repairs, it’s important to take the necessary steps to secure the area yourself. Plastic sheeting, cardboard and plywood can all be used to board up windows and provide a deterrent until your window can be properly repaired or replaced.

To prevent further damage to your property, it’s beneficial to contact a boarding up windows expert as soon as you can. They will have the necessary skills and knowledge to ensure your property is fully secure, giving you peace of mind that no unauthorised access can be gained to the building.

Contact an Expert for Your Emergency Boarding Up

When considering how to board up windows, it’s important to consider emergency boarding up services that provide instant relief, allowing you to focus on other aspects on the vandalism. At Montrose Glass, we pride ourselves on providing fast responses in up to 90 minutes and accurate completion times so you can rest assured your site will be safe and secure come day or night. Simply request a call-back on our website and one of our experts will be in touch to discuss the ideal temporary protection and security for your home, business or commercial site.

Call us on 01702 416365 to speak to one of our glazing experts today!

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